Screen Cornwall Commissions SPI Study to Inform Economic Development Plan for Cornwall’s Screen Sector
Enys Men - Credit STEVE TANNER © 2021
Cornwall has hosted several internationally renowned screen productions in recent years, including Doc Martin (ITV, 2004 to present) and Poldark (BBC, 2015-2019), as well as producing notable creative talent, including Mark Jenkin, who wrote and directed critically acclaimed films, Bait (2019) and Enys Men (2022).
Despite only being set up in 2019, Screen Cornwall, Cornwall’s film office, has already provided valuable support to the region’s screen sector through facilitating access to training, resources and funding opportunities with partners such as BFI NETWORK South West, BBC Writers Room and ScreenSkills, facilitating locally-based talent development for both creatives and crew.
Earlier this year, Screen Cornwall was awarded funding from the British Film Institute’s (BFI) National Cluster Growth Fund to develop an Economic Development Plan for the screen sector in Cornwall, exploring how a distinctive rural cluster can be built in a sustainable way.
With this goal in mind, Screen Cornwall has commissioned SPI to deliver a wide-ranging research project to advise the Economic Development Plan. SPI will coordinate and structure research on a series of roadmaps, focusing on three key research areas:
Skills and career paths
Digital and physical infrastructure
Business and commercial activity.
SPI will be working closely with Screen Cornwall, as well as consulting with practitioners, policymaker and partners to this study, including the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership (COIS LEP), Cornwall Council, Creative UK, and Creative Kernow as Screen Cornwall’s parent company.
For further information on this study and other SPI strategy work, contact Joshua Dedman at