SPI Commissioned by the BFI for Skills Scoping Study into Animation, Post-production, Video Games, Visual Effects and Emerging Tech Sectors
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
The British Film Institute (BFI) has commissioned SPI to undertake a skills scoping study for the animation, post-production, video games and visual effects (APVV) and emerging tech (AR, VR) sectors.
This important and timely project will capture the existing evidence of skills needs in these sectors, identify key current skills shortages, and outline issues underpinning retention and future skills provision and training. An important part of the research also involves offering recommendations for further research in this area. The research will look at both sector-specific and cross-sector trends and issues.
The study follows the 2022 BFI Skills Review, where the need for skills research for the APVV and AR/VR sectors was identified during the consultation phase. Here several stakeholders highlighted recruitment and retainment difficulties facing these sectors.
If you would like to hear more about this study, please contact SPI Consultant Joshua Dedman.