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Measuring and Communicating the Economic Impact of Film and Television Production
Olsberg•SPI Managing Director Leon Forde will lead an online workshop in conjunction with the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) on 7th October 2020.
SPI Participates in Incentives Seminar at Sweden's Riksdag
SPI’s Managing Director Leon Forde has delivered a presentation on the usage and impact of film and television production incentives at a seminar in Sweden’s Riksdag legislature on March 11th.
SPI's Managing Director Leon Forde interviewed in Variety
Leon Forde was interview in Variety on a range of issues relating to global film and television production.
Evaluation of the Irish Screen Sector Published
Olsberg•SPI's evaluation of the impact of the Irish Screen Sectors – including Film, TV, Animation, and Games, and conducted with Nordicity – was published today at the launch of the Irish Government's €200 million Audiovisual Action Plan.
Paid Internship Opportunity at Olsberg•SPI
Olsberg•SPI is a leading international strategy adviser to governments and businesses in the film and television sectors (www.o-spi.com).
SPI Report on Creative Industries Ripple Effect Released
Olsberg SPI has today published a new report quantifying a previously unmeasured economic impact derived from feature film and television drama production expenditure, naming it the Creative Industries ‘Ripple Effect’.
Major Olsberg•SPI report on the Economic Contribution made by the UK Screen Sectors published
SPI's new report on the Economic Contribution of the UK's Film, High-End Television, Video Games, and Animation Programming sectors - conducted with Nordicity - has this morning been published by the BFI.
Olsberg•SPI to lead a major study on the contribution of the UK film, high-end TV, animation and video games industries
Olsberg•SPI has been retained to produce a key study on the economic, cultural, and audience contributions of the UK's film, high-end TV, animation, and video games industries.
Canadian Media Production Association retains Olsberg•SPI for sustainability study
With company sustainability a vital issue for independent media businesses everywhere, Olsberg•SPI has been engaged by the Canadian Media Production Association (CMPA) to assess the landscape for such companies in Canada.
Handmade Films- Library Valuation
SPI has performed valuations of a number of film and television libraries, including Handmade Films, using its knowledge of the international distribution market to provide efficient and robust estimates of future revenues.
Scottish Enterprise, Scotland – Studio Strategy
SPI was retained by Scottish Enterprise to assist and advise on a tender process for a new film and television studio in Scotland.
Study of the UK Facilities Sector
The team produced a report on the facilities sector and its sizeable contribution to the UK’s wider film and television industry. SPI was retained by UK Screen, the trade body representing service companies in the television and film industry in the UK, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges that face the facilities sector in the UK.