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Olsberg SPI contributes to Film Business Asia
Olsberg•SPI has drawn on its expertise in the global production arena to produce an article for the Berlin edition of Film Business Asia.
Olsberg•SPI publishes International Territories Review for the BFI
In order to assist the BFI in developing its international strategy, Olsberg•SPI in association with David Steele has analysed more than 30 territories worldwide, focusing on their potential for the UK film industry.
Marriott Harrison Round Table Discussions - Malaysian Delegation on the Creative Media Sector
Jonathan Olsberg delivered a bespoke presentation on tax incentives for audiovisual production at a round table seminar organised by the law firm Marriott Harrison, on the creative media sector.
First Light- Evaluation of Second Light
Second Light is a new programme, developed and run by First Light, which is supporting a large group of BME early-career professionals in their career development.
CORFO, Chile – Offshoring Study
SPI was the international expert member of the team that worked for Chile’s economic development ministry in analyzing Chile’s current offer to international productions (film, television, commercials).
Czech Ministry of Culture – New Public Strategy Options
Recognising the increasing competition for portable productions, and threats to the local film sector, the Czech Ministry of Culture hired SPI to analyse the sector.
Future Policy and Strategy for Sweden's Film Sector
SPI was retained by the Swedish Film Producer’s Association in association with Film i Väst to conduct a strategic review of Sweden’s film sector and make a number of future policy recommendations for the sector.