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Olsberg•SPI study leads to new film production rebates in Malaysia
The Prime Minister of Malaysia has announced a new fiscal production rebate of 30% for local and foreign film makers.
Film Location Finland- Marketing Strategy and Implementation Study
SPI was retained by the POEM Foundation, Finland as part of the EU "Film Location Finland" project, to create a marketing strategy that would help attract international audiovisual productions to film in Finland.
Screen Yorkshire- Future Strategy
SPI was retained to analyse SY’s overall strategy and make recommendations for the future regarding a range of options, including brand development and funding.
Film London- Evaluation of London UK Film Focus (LUFF)
SPI conducted a review of the organisation, management and activities of LUFF for its funders to help them consider future funding support.
Screen England - Statistical and Strategic Review
SPI conducted a comprehensive report on the combined performance and achievements of the English RSAs’ activities during 2001-09 and provided recommendations for a new England-wide strategy.
UK Film Council- Sales Sector Project
SPI mapped the UK’s film sales sector’s economic activity, based upon a comprehensive questionnaire, supported by selected confidential interviews.
Film Export Group- Strategy Report and Lobbying Document
FEG is the UK’s public/private strategy body that is focused on film exports. SPI conducted two assignments for them in 2009/10 that involved members, stakeholders, and others being surveyed.
National Chamber of Commerce, Poland – Tax Incentive Proposals
SPI was tasked by the Polish Chamber of Commerce to analyse the environment in Poland for the possible introduction of a new tax incentive, including an assessment of the effectiveness of other tax incentive systems and providing a set of recommendations for what might work in Poland and benefits to be derived.
Czech Ministry of Culture – New Public Strategy Options
Recognising the increasing competition for portable productions, and threats to the local film sector, the Czech Ministry of Culture hired SPI to analyse the sector.
Film Commission Strategy and Advice – Many Examples
SPI has completed dozens of studies for national and regional film commissions, from Chile to Finland to Australia and many countries in-between.
Department of the Arts & Culture, Republic of Ireland – Irish Film Board Assessment
SPI was hired to assess the organisational structure and capabilities of the Irish Film Board and recommend a new structure that would enable it to meet the demands of the Kilkenny Report, which contained actions required to develop the sector.
British Film Commission – London
SPI has conducted numerous assignments for the British Film Commission, including creating its original strategic business plan, focussed on marketing the UK’s film and television sector.