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ScreenDaily Article on SPI's Global Screen Production Study
SPI's recently-published study Global Screen Production – The Impact of Film and Television Production on Economic Recovery from COVID-19 is outlined in detail in a new article on ScreenDaily.
Olsberg•SPI's work on screen tourism quoted in Variety
Olsberg•SPI's Screen Business report was quoted in a Variety article on screen tourism.
SPI's Managing Director Leon Forde interviewed in Variety
Leon Forde was interview in Variety on a range of issues relating to global film and television production.
Radio New Zealand Broadcast Features SPI
SPI's Jonathan Olsberg has spoken on Radio New Zealand (RNZ) about growing the country's screen industry and making the most of the global boom in film and television production.
Irish Times Article References SPI Economic Analysis and Strategy
An Irish Times article on Ireland's aim to become a global centre of excellence for film references the economic analysis and strategy undertaken by Olsberg•SPI with Nordicity for the Irish Government.
SPI Contributes Article to Makers Magazine
The latest issue of Makers, a magazine focused on global production published by The Location Guide, features an article by SPI on the challenges and opportunities created by the current high levels of film and television production.
Finland making progress towards incentive
Audiovisual Finland's recent newsletter has highlighted the progress being made towards the launch of a production incentive for the country, noting the role of Olsberg SPI's Jonathan Olsberg in this process.
SPI's Leon Forde interviewed on CNN
SPI Associate Director Leon Forde has appeared on CNN to discuss the impact of screen tourism on the UK.
The squeeze on independent cinema: guest comment on ScreenDaily.com
SPI Chairman Jonathan Olsberg has contributed a guest comment to ScreenDaily.com assessing the current squeeze on theatrical space for independent releases.
Incentives Aren't Everything: SPI guest comment on Screendaily.com
Olsberg•SPI Chairman Jonathan Olsberg has today contributed a guest comment to Screendaily.com on the importance of studios as the cornerstone of a territory's film-making offer.